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The Environment

Corporate Environmental Policy

Jazz conducts its business in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and legislation, and in collaboration with our industry partners we will achieve environmental excellence by our commitment to:

  • Identify, monitor and reduce potential environmental impacts of our business;
  • Manage the environmental aspects of our activities through the implementation of environmental programs and procedures;
  • Put into action an emissions reduction plan to support net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with industry goals;
  • Integrate environmental concerns into business decisions, ensuring the environment is considered in planning for new and existing processes, products, equipment and facilities;
  • Promote environmental awareness with customers, suppliers, industry partners and employees to encourage environmental responsibility and sustainability;
  • Encourage employees to report all incidents and hazards that may cause any adverse effect on the environment;
  • Promote efficient use of products and resources in order to minimize consumption and waste; and
  • Monitor progress and review environmental performance on a regular basis to ensure continuous improvement of our environmental management system.

Employees are responsible for performing their duties in accordance with established environmental policies, procedures and legislation.

The Accountable Executive will ensure the necessary resources are made available to fulfill the Jazz Environmental Policy.

IOSA registered since 2007