The ideal candidate
Most people who flourish as Flight Attendants are described well by these words: warm, confident, gracious, positive, vibrant.
If you find yourself living this career, you’ll find your days are generally spent providing safe, comfortable, and excellent customer service during every flight.

What management is saying
Here’s how senior management describes Flight Attendants fitting into the bigger Jazz picture.
“People spend a lot of money to travel whether for business or pleasure and our Flight Attendants providing the inflight service are those who deliver the customer service and reinforce the quality of our brand. They provide value to our customers. They have a zest for life, travel and adventure.”

Where in the world? Flight Attendants travel. A lot. Here are some of the places our Flight Attendants vacation.

Wet your whistle. The beverages they serve most often: water, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale, Tomato Juice

Aisle or window? When it’s Flight Attendants’ turn to travel, here’s their preferred seat. Window (60%), Aisle (40%)

In their pockets Here’s a sampling of what Flight Attendants keep in their pockets: their schedule, hand sanitizer, pen, lip balm.

In their own words
Get to know our current Flight Attendants. Here are some personal thoughts they shared.
“My proudest professional accomplishment is being recognized by our passengers as, ‘a breath of fresh air”.
—Ayla Coltman, Flight Attendant, YYC (Calgary)
“If I wasn’t a flight attendant, I’d be singing in a rock band.”
—Al Gaudet, Flight Attendant, YHZ (Halifax)
“The best part of my job is having lots of time off and using it to travel to new destinations.”
—Jennifer Tinkler (pictured), Flight Attendant, YUL (Montreal)
“I have the best office views in the world.”
—Rex Anderson, Flight Attendant, YVR (Vancouver)

Note to self
Want to hit the ground running with the wisdom of someone who’s been doing this for years? Here’s what current Flight Attendants said they’d wished they’d known when they started out.
“Always be prepared to have to change plans after a work day if flights are delayed.”
—Ayla Coltman, Flight Attendant, YYC (Calgary)
“Don’t be afraid of the unknown.”
—Pearla Piche, Flight Attendant, YYZ (Toronto Pearson)