Jazz Technical Services
Exceptional engineers. World-class skills.
Airframe Heavy Maintenance
Count on our Experience
Jazz Aviation is the only operator in the world of all four De Havilland commercial regional platforms and the largest operator of Dash 8 100 / 200 / 300 aircraft in the world; providing extensive experience and expertise to the Jazz Technical Services division.
Jazz has operated the Dash 8 100 / 200 / 300 aircraft for over 30 years and JTS has completed more C and D checks of these aircraft than any other airline. Our industry leading turn times, competitive labour rates and award-winning quality service ensures minimum aircraft downtime and improved operational reliability.
JTS is fully equipped and trained to complete all levels of heavy checks and MRO services for:
- CRJ100, CRJ200
- CRJ700, CRJ900 and CRJ1000
- Dash 8 100, 200, 300
- Dash 8-400
- Embraer EMB135, EMB145
Dash 8-300 Extended Service Program (ESP)
JTS is the only MRO to have completed the Dash 8-300 Extended Service Program (ESP) extending the service life of Jazz’s Dash 8-300 aircraft by 50 percent, or approximately 15 years, through the replacement or upgrade of required structural and systems components.
Interior Reconfiguration
- LOPA changes
- Oven installations
- Galley upgrades
- Dual cabin reconfigurations
- Storage bin and wardrobe installation
IFE and Wi-Fi Installation
JTS’s avionics professionals are experienced with all onboard electronics and able to manage your special project; whether you need installation expertise on your in-flight entertainment system or help meeting the demands of today’s tech-savvy passenger with onboard Wi-fi access.
JTS is an experienced installer of Gogo Wi-Fi systems.
Interior Refurbishing
Enhance your customer experience
Spotless is the new black! Old becomes new again with the attention and expertise of JTS’s refurbishment professionals. Our services portfolio includes an HVA machine that reduces cabin panel refinishing times.
Cost effective solution
- Re-skinned sidewall and ceiling panels
- LED lighting upgrade
- New seat covers
- New carpeting
- Refreshed galley
- Renewed lavatory facility
Lease Return and Aircraft Storage
End of lease expertise including:
- Lease return condition analysis
- Borescope inspections
- Aircraft records audits
- Preparation for short-term storage
- Storage checks
- Return to service checks