Preparing to take off...

Administrative & Management Professionals


Office worker sits at desk.

The ideal candidate

Most people who flourish as Administrative & Management Professionals are described well by these words: professional, organized, structured, resourceful and analytical.

If you find yourself living this career, you’ll find your days are generally spent supporting the Jazz operation through everything from managing safety to administrative support to human resources and more!

Office worker sits at desk.
Workers in office surrounded by computers.

What management is saying

Here’s how senior management describes Administrative and Management Professionals fitting into the bigger Jazz picture.

“Operating an airline is a complex and specialized business that requires a tremendous amount of administrative work from the business side of things; also safety, operations support, and ensuring our processes and policies are robust. Having a high level of engagement across all departments leads to a cohesive family environment where we all look out for each other. This group provides support to frontline employees and all those behind the scenes.”


average # of emails received every day


trips taken annually


Age that Trish Fougere started working with Jazz


Typical morning shift start time

Man stands next to rock and grass in racing jacket.

In their own words

What are current Administrative & Management Professionals like? Here are some personal thoughts they had to share.

“If I wasn’t doing this, I’d be a lawyer.”
—Trish Fougere, Strategic Contracts Manager, YHZ (Halifax)

“It feels good knowing that, in a small way, I help successfully get people to their destinations.”
William Phomsavanh (pictured), Operations Support Analyst, YHZ (Halifax) 

“My proudest recent achievement is preparing Epicor 9 and Ariba User guides for Accounts Payable department and other business units.”
—Eren Torbacioglu, Financial Analyst, YHZ (Halifax)

“I enjoy meeting new colleagues across the country as our emergency response plan includes all stations we manage in Canada.”
—Nadine Pearo, Emergency Response and Dangerous Goods Manager, YHZ (Halifax)

Note to self

Want to hit the ground running with the wisdom of someone who’s been doing this for years? Here’s what current Administrative & Management Professionals said they’d wished they’d know when they started out.

“Have confidence in your abilities, what you want may not happen right away but if you stick with it and work hard, it will pay off.”
—Nadine Pearo, Emergency Response and Dangerous Goods Manager, YHZ (Halifax)

“Remember the family you make along the way will last your lifetime.”
—Trish Fougere, Strategic Contracts Manager, YHZ (Halifax)

“Listen more than you speak.”
—William Phomsavanh, Operations Support Analyst, YHZ (Halifax)

You have what it takes to fly, and Jazz will be there to celebrate with you as you take to the skies. Join us at the Girls Can Fly event on May 14 at the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre (@wwfc2213 )

Plus, we won`t be there empty-handed - stay tuned for a plane-sized surprise!

To learn more about Girls Can Fly, please visit:


Vous avez ce qu’il faut pour l’aviation et Jazz se réjouira avec vous lorsque vous prendrez votre envol. Joignez-vous à nous lors de l’activité Girls Can Fly le 14 mai au Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre.

Et nous n’arriverons pas les mains vides – ne manquez pas notre surprise grand format!

Pour en savoir plus sur Girls Can Fly, consultez le site:

#jazzaviationlp #aircanadaexpress #togetherwearejazz #flightattendant
#administrative #airportcustomerservice #dispatch #aircraftservices #jazzaviation #girlscanfly

Let`s be honest; there is an aviator✈️ in all of us deep down. So if you are a young person who identifies as a female between the ages of 8 and 18 years, Jazz is eager to welcome you aboard on May 14 for Girls Can Fly at the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre @wwfc2213

To learn more about Girls Can Fly, please visit:

Avouons-le : il y a au fond de nous un aviateur✈️ ou une aviatrice. Si vous avez entre 8 et 18 ans et vous identifiez comme une femme, l’équipe de Jazz sera ravie de vous accueillir le 14 mai pour l’activité Girls Can Fly au Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre.

Pour en savoir plus sur Girls Can Fly, consultez le site:

#jazzaviationlp #aircanadaexpress #togetherwearejazz #flightattendant
#administrative #airportcustomerservice #dispatch #aircraftservices #maintenance #jazzaviation #girlscanfly