The ideal candidate
Most people who flourish in our operations centre are described well by these words: efficient, decisive, patient, analytical and dynamic.
If you find yourself living this career, you’ll find your days are generally spent safely facilitating the movement of crews and aircraft according to the schedule, and finding solutions to all schedule interruptions to get our passengers safely to their destinations.

What management is saying
Here’s how senior management describes Operations personnel fitting into the bigger Jazz picture.
“The efficiency of airline operations over time has a lot to do with the existence of our dispatchers and system operations control (SOC) team. Originally many of these tasks were performed by pilots. Today, our dedicated SOC team starts the research well before your flight, from watching the weather to schedule monitoring to payload planning and fuel calculations – all the details related to crew planning too. Without these people we simply couldn’t do it. They are the eyes and ears monitoring everything on the ground from the start to finish of your trip – including communications to ensure your safety. This group keeps everything on track, and is highly efficient. They deliver on the promise of the airline when a passenger books their ticket to get from origin to destination, safely and with their bags.”

Coffee or tea? SOC employees said this is the drink they count on most.
Coffee (80%)
Tea (20%)

It all started here. What strength got our SOC employees to the career they’re in? These two high school subjects ranked as faves. History (25%), Math (75%)

In their own words
What are current operations center employees like? Here are some personal thoughts they shared.
“After my shift, I often spend a few hours in my wood shop to unwind.”
—Mark Christopher (pictured), Dispatcher, YHZ (Halifax)
“I was proud to get my 5-year service pin.”
—David Marsh, Crew Scheduler, YHZ (Halifax)
“This is an industry that is forever changing so you always are learning new procedures and every day is different.”
—Amy Burry, Dispatcher, YHZ (Halifax)

Note to self
Want to hit the ground running with the wisdom of someone who’s been doing this for years? Here’s what current SOC employees said they’d wished they’d known when they started out.
“Leave personal life issues in the parking lot and leave work issues at work”
—Mark Christopher, Dispatcher, YHZ (Halifax)
“Don’t get stressed out about things that are outside of your control.”
—David Marsh, Crew Scheduler, YHZ (Halifax)
“You can plan out a career path for yourself in the airline industry but things will change, other opportunities will arise and you will find your own path as you go.”
—Amy Burry, Dispatcher, YHZ (Halifax)